Corporate Days

Experience the Power of Giving Back

Give Back and Strengthen Your Team with a Corporate Day at the Penrith Community Kitchen

Looking for a unique and meaningful team-building experience? Host your next corporate event at the Penrith Community Kitchen and make a lasting impact while strengthening your team’s bonds. Our Corporate Day package offers a blend of community service, skill-building, and camaraderie that will leave a positive mark on your team and those in need.

Join With Us

Join us in creating a stronger community.

Book your corporate day today!

Contact Gai at

Why Choose the Penrith Community Kitchen for Your Corporate Day?

Make a Difference

By booking a corporate day with us, you'll be directly contributing to the well-being of our community. Your team will prepare meals, organise hamper relief donations, and engage in activities that help feed and support those in need.

Team-Building with a Purpose

Forget the usual icebreakers and trust falls. Our corporate day focuses on collaboration and communication in a real-world setting. It’s a unique opportunity for your team to work together toward a common goal—helping others.

Hands-On Learning

Gain valuable skills while making a difference. Your team will learn about food preparation, resource management, and the inner workings of a community kitchen. It’s an enriching experience that goes beyond the usual corporate training.

Strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility

Show your clients, customers, and stakeholders that your company is committed to giving back. Hosting a corporate day at the Penrith Community Kitchen aligns with common work place values and demonstrates your commitment to making a positive impact in your local community. Ideas of your experience with PCK include; general cooking, packing relief hampers, cleaning out fridges, vegetable garden to tender it’s a great team exercise for bonding and giving back.

Working with you and your team

We can tailor the experience to fit your company’s needs and preferences. Whether you have a small team or a large group, we’ll create an agenda that maximizes your impact and provides a memorable experience for everyone involved. Book Your Corporate Day Today!

Ready to give back and build a stronger team?

Contact us to discuss your corporate day at the Penrith Community Kitchen. Together, we can make a difference while creating lasting memories for your team. Don't miss this chance to foster a culture of kindness and teamwork within your organisation.