The Penrith Community Kitchen can’t imagine a reason as to why anyone should spend the festive season alone or go without. Every year the Kitchen hosts a luncheon to feed, nurture and reignite the Christmas spirit into the hearts of individuals, families and children that otherwise would have missed out.
During this Luncheon Community Kitchen also hands out relief shopping hampers as they are aware of the limited services available during the Christmas period & public holidays. Additionally there is a personal toiletry gift bag for males and females with a few supplies to get them through the end of the year.
Penrith RSL offers assistance with a Giving Tree in the Penrith RSL foyer for children’s gifts books or toys and we also encourage you to visit and donate. Santa will deliver these gifts during our christmas. luncheon to the local children!
If you are a local business or just someone in the community that would love to get involved there are plenty of things that you can do!
- Volunteers on the day of the luncheon
- Free Face Painter – If you are a face painter or are a business that is happy to book one for the day then please contact the Penrith CBD Corporation.
- Tents/ Table and Chair Hire – If you are a business that can get involved please contact us.

- Pasta/rices/grains/sauces
- Christmas goodies like chips/lollies/biscuits
- Lucky Door Prizes
- Shopping Bags for Hampers
- Non-perishable tins with ring pull lids
- Tea/Coffee/Sugar
- Cereals
- Long life milk/Soft drinks/juice
We would love to partner with businesses and organisations, Contact Us to learn more.